Hurrah! The @Spruce Park Pollinator Garden is complete for now - bee hotels and garden signs will be installed in the spring, but the beds are complete. Seed was sown on the weekend, with a temporary wire mesh cover to protect seeds and emerging seedlings from foraging rodents and birds. Such a great group of community volunteer helpers throughout the project! Special thanks to the cheerful and hardworking student volunteers from Bronte Collegeand to Amadio's Pizza for their delicious donation! The last two weekends we were at the Port Credit Branch Library, where we made the bee hotels and the garden signs - with some fancy pollinator-aware headband craft activities as part of the fun. Finally on Sunday Nov. 17 we had our Open House, with displays and our BB experts and volunteers present to answer questions. Huge THANKS to all involved, and especially to the @City of MIssissauga for funding this project! #mississaugapf Stephen Dasko Small Arms Society#pollinatorgardens #communitygardens #urbanparks #urbanecology
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