Code of Conduct - Members of Blooming Boulevards
Blooming Boulevards is a volunteer community-based organization whose mission is:
To provide native pollinators with linked food and habitat sites year round to support population growth and species diversity.
To conserve resilience of local native plant species by fostering genetic diversity.
To build a cohesive boulevard garden network, creating a corridor for pollinators, promoting human and environmental well-being and fostering civic pride.
To educate and assist local groups and neighbourhood residents in planning, installing, maintaining and promoting the gardens.
Participation in the organization’s programs is subject to the observance of the organization’s rules and procedures. Any participant or staff member who violates this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including removal from the organization.
All members of the Organization will:
Adhere to the Ontario Human Rights Code as amended
Treat others with respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness, and have proper regard for their interests, rights, safety and welfare
Respect confidentiality of information received in the course of meetings and activities
Give recognition to others who contribute to the success of the group and its activities
Treat fellow members with respect and listen to their points of view
No Member of the Organization will:
Engage in abusive language towards another volunteer or a member of the general public.
Be discourteous or rude to a fellow member, volunteer or member of the public.
Verbal, physical or visual harass a fellow member, volunteer or member of the public.
Threaten or commit an act of violence toward any individual or group.
Engage in conduct that might endanger the life, safety, health or well-being of others.
Bully or taking unfair advantage of any member of the Association.
Code of Conduct - Board
The board of directors is committed to teamwork and effective decision-making. Towards this end board members will:•
Endeavour to represent the broader interests of members and/or stakeholders•
Seek to balance their contribution as both an advisor and learner. •
Be honest with others and true to themselves•
Refrain from trying to influence other board members outside of board meetings that might have the effect of creating factions and limiting free and open discussion.•
Be willing to be a dissenting voice, endeavor to build on other director’s ideas, offer alternative points of view as options to be considered and invite others to do so too.•
On important issues, be balanced in one’s effort to understand other board members and to make oneself understood.•
Once a board decision is made, support the decision even if one’s own view is a minority one. •
Not disclose or discuss differences of opinion on the board with those who are not on the board. The board should communicate externally with “one voice”.•
Respect the confidentiality of information on sensitive issues, especially in personnel matters.•
Be an advocate for the organization and its mission wherever and whenever the opportunity arises in their own personal and professional networks•
Disclose one’s involvement with other organizations, businesses or individuals where such a relationship might be viewed as a conflict of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy).
The President ( or duly appointed director in charge of addressing complaints) is ultimately responsible for ensuring that conflicts involving members are resolved in a satisfactory manner.
He/she has a duty to inform the board of any conflicts that impinge on the organization’s ability to function or may damage its reputation. Conflicts should be addressed at the earliest possible opportunity as unresolved conflict can lead to a stressful environment. In the event that any person or group has a complaint about the actions of another person, the following guidelines will apply.
1.Communicate directly with the person or persons whose actions is the cause of the complaint. People should reasonably expect to know if their behaviour or their decision is a problem for another person or group.
2.If the circumstances are such that the person with a complaint is unable or unwilling to communicate directly with the persons or persons whose actions are the cause of their complaint, either for fear of it going badly, or of reprisal, the help of one other trusted person in the organization should be sought.
3.The executive director will resolve complaints and conflicts that cannot be resolved by those directly involved or their supervisor.
4.In circumstances where it is the action of the executive director that is reason for the conflict, the Board may address the complaint.2
5.Communication of the complaint or conflict shall first be made verbally to the respondent or supervisor. If this does not lead to a resolution that is satisfactory to the complainant, the nature of the complaint should then be communicated in writing. If this fails to result in a resolution the written complaint should be sent to the executive director.
6.Third parties, acceptable to all those involved, may be of assistance in helping resolve the conflict in a
(1) facilitation or mediation role where the goal is to help the parties restore a positive working relationship in the future, or
(2) a decision-‐making /arbitration role where they investigate what happened and make a determination of who is responsible for the situation and what the consequences for the parties should be. The choice of these two approaches should be offered to the parties. If a mediated approach fails to resolve the matter, an arbitrated approach can be undertaken.
7.The parties will refrain from drawing others not directly involved into the process as a way of garnering support or gaining attention. Such actions include “copying” the written complaint by email to others.
8.Complaints and conflicts shall be dealt with in a confidential manner. Meetings to resolve a complaint shall be open only to the parties and those attempting to resolve the complaint. The parties may have an advocate or supporter present. Meetings may be with the different parties individually, together or both. In the interest of openness, no minutes or written record of what is said in these meetings shall be recorded although, if the parties agree, the outcome of the meetings or a resulting agreement may be documented.3
9.Where the board is involved in a conflict resolution role, communication with it should be directly with the Chair not with the whole board. It is the chair’s duty to inform the entire board of the existence of the conflict but the board may appoint one of their number, or an impartial party to help resolve the matter.
10.The parties, and those helping to resolve the conflict, should avoid communicating the details of a complaint, making or responding to allegations or giving advice by email. Face to face
communication, as difficult as it is, should be relied upon. Email messages can be used for arranging meetings or communicating details of the resolution process.
11.Either the Executive Director or the Chair of the Board have an obligation to act immediately in addressing a complaint if the physical and mental health and safety of any of the parties is perceived to be at risk.
12.If threats to persons are made, or the Executive Director or Chair of the Board perceives a possible danger to a party or to other employees, including the possibility of one party being a danger to themselves, external professional assistance must be sought immediately